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User Guide

Everyone needs a friend! How about one that would help you take down all your important tasks? Yuki is a desktop app for managing tasks via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have java 11 or above installed in your computer.
  2. Download the latest Yuki.jar from here.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your taskManager.
  4. Double-click the file to start the app.
  5. Type commands in the command box at the bottom of the page and Enter to execute. For new users, typing help would give you the list of available commands.


Adding a task

Yuki accepts mainly 3 types of task, including todo, deadline, event.

  1. Add a todo task: todo refers to a task with no date/time involved. To add such a task, make use of command todo {descriptionOfTask }, press Enter to execute.

    Example of usage: todo pay mobile bill

    Expected outcome: [T][✘] pay mobile bill

  2. Add a deadline task: deadline refers to a task with date involved, specifying time is optional. To add such a task, make use of command deadline {descriptionOfTask} /by YYYY/MM/DD or deadline {descriptionOfTask} /by YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM, press Enter to execute.

    Example of usage: deadline CS2103T IP Submission /by 2020/09/18 12:00

    Expected outcome: [D][✘] CS2103T IP Submission (FINISH by: 18 September 2020 12:00)

  3. Add an event task: event refers to task with date, start time and end time. To add such a task, make use of command event {descriptionOfTask} /by YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM-HH:MM, press Enter to execute.

    Example of usage: Event CS2103T Finals /at 2020/12/01 12:00-14:00

    Expected outcome: [E][✘] CS2103T Finals (APPEAR at: 01 December 2020 12:00-14:00)

Deleting a task

To delete a task permanently from storage, make use of command delete {taskNumber}. The taskNumber of a specific task can be found using the list command, press Enter to execute.

Example of usage: delete 5

Expected outcome:
*Woof* I have removed:
[T][✘] pay mobile bill
Now you have 4 tasks in the list. Keep going!!

Listing all task

To display all tasks in storage, make use of command list, press Enter to execute.

Example of usuage: list

Expected outcome:
Here are the tasks in your list *Woof*:
1. [D][✓] CS2103T IP Submission (FINISH by: 18 September 2020 12:00)
2. ...

Mark a task as completed

To mark a specific task as completed, make use of command done {taskNumber}. The taskNumber of a specific task can be found using the list command, press Enter to execute.

Example of usage: done 4

Expected outcome:
Good Job!!! You cleared this task:
[D][✓] CS2103T IP Submission (FINISH by: 18 September 2020 12:00)

Search for task(s) using specified keywords

To search for task(s) containing specific keyword(s), make use of the command find {keyword1} ... {keywordN}, press Enter to execute.

Example of usage: find finals submission

Expected outcome:
Here is the list of matching tasks in your storage:
1. [D][✓] CS2103T IP Submission (FINISH by: 18 September 2020 12:00)
2. [E][✘] CS2103T Finals (APPEAR at: 01 December 2020 12:00-14:00).

Search for task(s) on specified date

To check for task(s) occuring on a particular day, make use of the command check YYYY/MM/DD, press Enter to execute.

Example of usage: check 2020/09/18

Expected outcome:
Here is the list of ongoing tasks on 20 September 2020:
1. [D][✓] CS2103T IP Submission (FINISH by: 18 September 2020 12:00)

Undo a command

To undo any of the commands that can be undone (eg. add, delete, done), make use of the command undo, press enter to execute.


At any point in time you require assistance in using the bot, make use of the command help to access the list of commands available and its format.